
Soil and plants that suffer from low energy levels cause slow seed development, smaller root systems, weaker stalks, flower/pod/kernel development decrease, and high insect pressure.

BioMate is a liquid solution comprised of two energy-promoting bacteria strains and four simple sugars. One word sums up the product…ENERGY! This biologically active compound helps feed the bio-diversity in soils which helps plants maintain high metabolism levels.


Low use rate that is tank mix friendly.

High carbon source that increases nutrient availability

Boosts plant metabolism


Reduces insect pressure

Reduces herbicide burn.


Application method

Broadcast • In-furrow • 2×2 • Foliar • Fertigation • Side-dress • Aerial

Works with

All crops, soil types, and water sources.


BioMate label

BioMate SDS

The Biovante performance guarantee!
You’ve got nothing to lose! We guarantee you’ll see ROI on your input costs with these products or we’ll reimburse you 100%. Let’s increase your bottom line for this season. *Click to see eligibility.

Soil treatment

  • Reduces synthetic nitrogen dependency
  • Helps restore soil health for long term success
  • Works with all crops

Seed treatment

  • Low input cost that averages a 1200% ROI
  • 3 in 1 Product (Talc, Bios, and Micros)
  • Works with all crops

Plant treatment

  • Low volume liquid sugars + beneficial bacteria
  • Increases plant energy on cloudy, cool days
  • Works with all crops

What growers are saying

I used to spend a ton on seed and synthetic nitrogen, I knew I needed to do something different. Biovante products have helped me reduce input costs while setting record yields and making more profit. The soil on my farm has never been healthier, and I’m seeing that investment pay off big time.

Jimmy Frederick

Soybean Yield Record Holder

Rulo, Nebraska